Hmmm gak ah, orang sehat aza aku gak mau simultanin, apalagi pas Sakit....
deelel.... (selain di brand mark sama DSA kalo Imunisasi harus Sehat)
Dulu itutuh yang ada dipikiranku kalo mau imunisasiin Dika.
Tapi semenjak aku ikutan milis sehat, aku dah imunisasiin dika simultan 4 Suntikan ( Jan 2008) dan simultan 3 suntikan plus 1 oral ( Jan 2010).
Nah, 31 Januari 2010 yang lalu saya simultanin dika 4 vaksin ( MMR, DPT+HEpB+Varicella plus Polio), bedanya simultan kali ini dika lagi Batpil, tapi dari ilmu yang saya dapat pas Pesat n milis sehat, batpil bukan merupakan halangan untuk berimunisasi. Sebenarnya saya sih percaya, karena sebelumnya pernah baca indikasi di CDC tentang kondisi ini.
Cuma, ini menyangkut banyak pihak, saya harus bisa menyakinkan papa, eyang dan mbahnya dika kalo imunisasi dikala batpil boleh dilakukan, tapi ya harus data pendukung.
Jalan-jalan dunk ke CDC, baca-baca informasi disana dan saya menemukan kalo Batuk Pilek dan demam ringan boleh saja diimunisasi, asalkan tidak demam diatas 102 f (duh linknya gak sempet copy waktu itu....maaf ya).
Minta tolong sama om google dunk.....masih belum yakin nih, meskipun CDC web yang terpercaya untuk urusan imunisasi....(maaf yeee sir, khan harus ngumpulin informasi sebanyak-2nya sebelum melakukan tindakan).
Dapat dari Baby Center
If my baby is sick, should her immunizations be postponed?
Expert Answers
Laurel Schultz, pediatrician
It depends how sick she is. Many doctors suggest postponing vaccinations if your child has a fever over 101 degrees Fahrenheit, the flu, or other serious infection. If she has a mild cold, there's really no medical reason to delay a vaccination. She's likely to be fussy or to have a hard time tolerating any reaction symptoms if she isn't feeling great, however.Link : disini ya
Dapat dari :
What if my baby is sick? Wondering if it's okay to keep your well-baby checkup if your child wakes up with a runny nose and a low-grade fever on the day that he's due for his shots? In most cases, it's perfectly safe to immunize an infant with a mild illness, but this is a call your baby's healthcare provider will have to make, taking into account such factors as the type of illness and your baby's past medical history. "Although it is generally safe to immunize an infant who has a virus and a low-grade fever, if a particular infant has shown a tendency to high fever with illness, it might be prudent to not risk elevating that fever even further with an immunization," explains Simon.
Link : disini ya
Incorrect reasons to delay immunisation
- your child has a minor illness, without a fever, such as a cough or snuffly cold
- there is a family history of side-effects to a vaccine
- your child has already had an illness covered by a combined vaccine (for example, if your child has had mumps, he or she should still have the MMR vaccine)
- your child was a premature or low birth-weight baby
- your child has asthma, hay fever or eczema
- your child is over the immunisation age recommended in the schedule - he or she can have catch-up vaccinations at any later date
- your child is due to have, or has recently had, surgery
Linknya : Disini ya
Nah, ini link tambahan dari mba Ria - Milis Sehat, bikin daku tambah yakin sama keputusanku.
Incorrect reasons for delaying or avoiding a vaccine
You do not have to avoid or delay immunisation due to:
- a minor infection without a fever such as a cough or cold
- a family history of adverse reactions following immunisations
- a previous history of diseases such as whooping cough, measles, rubella or mumps infection
- premature birth
- stable neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy
- contact with infectious disease
- asthma, hay fever, eczema or snuffles
- treatment with antibiotics or locally acting steroids
- the child's mother is pregnant
- the child is being breastfed
- history of jaundice after birth
- the child is under a certain weight
- the child is over the immunisation age recommended in schedule
- 'replacement' corticosteroids
- a history of allergy
- a personal or family history of inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease or ulcerative colitis)
- a personal or family history of autistic spectrum disorders
- recent or imminent surgery.
Alhamdulillah, Kipinya : cuma Demam 24 jam sajah ( sekitar 38-38.5) and lengan berasa sakit kalo kesenggol. hehehehe
oiya : biasanya sebelum imunisasi dilakukan, saya liat semua botol vaksin,pastiin itu masih valid, tidak rusak and baca-baca bentar brosurnya, trus cek suntikannya, diskusi suntikannya SC or IM and bikin siasat deh....hihihihi
Pengen pesen aza bahwa Trauma pada anak pada saat imunisasi itu gak cuma pas disuntik, tapi ketika dia mulai masuk ke dalam rumkit or klinik or ruang dokter or ngeliat suster, ngeliat orang berbaju putih, ngeliat bapak atau bu dokter (maaf ya pak/bu) anak-anak itu sudah aware bahwa Ia akan diapa-apain ( meskipun sakit or gak sakit).
Jadi keputusan untuk memberikan simultan ke dika, bukan semata-2 hanya sekedar ngirit biaya dokter ( lagian kami gak ke dokter kok, cuma ke bidan, dan bu bidan gak meminta jasa suntik ), tapi ingin meminimalisir infeksi nosokomial dan juga trauma pada dika.
So, mau pas sakit, mau pas sehat, mau simultan mau gak simultan semua ditangan orang tua. Risk & benefitnya tentu milik anak dan orang tua.
Gitu sajah ya....semoga sharing dan linknya membantu temen-temen semua.
Photo : Photo dika waktu imunisasi tanggal 31-01-2010